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​Which Lip Balm Tastes the Best?

When it comes to matters of taste, it’s almost impossible to determine a clear winner. Everyone has their preference over other options and most of the time there’s no changing someone’s mind. That’s why at Lip Balm Now we didn’t pick just one flavor of lip balm! When you order a personalized lip balm from us, you get to choose from six incredible lip balm flavors that are sure to make everyone happy. Read on to find out why we love the flavors that we offer and then place an order when you’re ready to make your customers or friends happy with a batch of custom lip balm!

Original-Flavored Custom Lip Balm

While “original” might not sound like the most bombastic of flavor choices, there’s a reason why it sticks around — it’s amazing! This is a flavor of lip balm that is perfect if you and your customers would like something that is subtle and light, but still gives you a mild flavor that leaves you with a pleasant and natural scent and taste.

Vanilla-Flavored Personalized Lip Balm

While a lot of people assume that original flavor is vanilla, they’re wrong. When we do vanilla, you know it. Our vanilla lip balm is deeply-flavored to remind you of the vanilla flower and all of the wonderful things that vanilla is a part of, e.g. ice cream, cookies, and candles. Personalized lip balm from Lip Balm Now with vanilla flavoring is a great choice that everyone will enjoy. There’s a reason vanilla and chocolate are the two “go-to” flavors people think of when they want a dessert: chocolate and vanilla are delicious and versatile flavors that make us comfortable because we all grew up with them.

Peppermint-Flavored Custom Lip Balm

If you want a seasonal lip balm that will put people in the mood for candy canes and holiday celebrations, you can’t go wrong with peppermint! Peppermint is wonderfully balanced between sweetness and the refreshing cool crispness that mint offers. It’s also a very comforting smell that can calm you if you’re feeling stressed.

Cherry-Flavored Personalized Lip Balms

Very few fruit flavors can compare with the excitement that cherry brings to your taste buds. Simultaneously sweet and a little sour, cherry manages to be a flavor that everyone can love. While some sweet flavors start to become less appealing as you get older, cherry always hangs on because we come to appreciate its complexity. When you order cherry-flavored custom lip balm from Lip Balm Now, you’ll get a flavor that everyone is going to love every time they put it on!

Herbal Mint-Flavored Custom Lip Balms

Herbal Mint flavor is another one of our refreshing, invigorating flavor choices. Instead of the nearly-hot sensation that comes along with our peppermint flavor, Herbal Mint is a little lighter, almost effervescent. It still has the relaxing qualities of other mints, but is more subdued. If you run a spa or dentist’s office, this is a great flavor choice because it keeps your mouth feeling fresh and your lips revitalized and soft.

Blue Raspberry-Flavored Personalized Lip Balms

It’s easy to say that blue raspberry is a kid’s flavor but you know that you love it too. The interplay between sweetness and puckering sourness is just plain fun! Blue raspberry also conjures memories of summer and snow cones and cotton candy. It tastes carefree and liberated. If summer break had a flavor, it would be blue raspberry. If you’re looking for a way to make your clients (and your coworkers) think of the warmer months ahead, you can’t go wrong with blue raspberry lip balm!

As you can see, we’ve made it almost impossible to choose from all of our delicious flavors. Trust your gut and pick the one that most grabbed your attention. Or order a couple different kinds and let it be a surprise to your clients what flavor they get! At Lip Balm Now, we make it easy to and affordable to provide your customers with something useful that also serves as a great promotional tool! Upload your own personalized lip balm labels today, or start with one of our stunning templates that you can customize to truly be one-of-a-kind. Lip Balm Now is the only place to get the highest quality bulk lip balm!