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Order Bulk Lip Balm Containers And Make Your Own Lip Balm!

Making your own products isn’t just for hippies anymore. It is actually becoming extremely popular among many different types of people. Being environmentally conscious and going green has become more a way of life than a lifestyle for “certain” people. The whole do it yourself craze applies to many aspects of our daily lives from home and garden to the Pinterest explosion. It seems people everywhere are crazy about making and creating just about anything. This applies to lip balm too! Our lip balm containers are perfect for your homemade chapstick.So, what are the benefits of making your own balm?

  • It Is Inexpensive
    • Let’s be real, buying high-quality beauty products can be really expensive. Once you start to make things yourself with basically the same ingredients you realize how much money you actually save.
  • Non-Toxic
    • This one is huge! It feels good to know exactly what you are putting on your body. No mystery ingredients here.
  • They Are Totally Customizable
    • There are so many essential oils out there that can be used in a homemade lip balm recipe. It just depends on what mood you are in or if they are for a friend their favorite scent.
  • They Double As Great Gifts
    • Since they are affordable and customizable you can make up a few extra batches around the holidays for gifts.
  • They Double As Impromptu Moisturizers
    • If you are in a pinch and discover an annoying dry patch of skin on your chin or elbow just dab a little of your secret recipe and you are set.

All of the reasons above are great reasons to make your own lip balm but don’t forget the fact you can be as creative as you want. Have fun!