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Five Reasons to Order Personalized Lip Balm

Wondering why you should order personalized lip balm? The reasons are endless, but in this blog we will look at five great ones:

Party Favors

Lip balm is something that you need everyday, so it makes the perfect party favor. A personalized tube will remind your family and friends of the fun time you had together the day you gave them this party favor.


Everyone is trying their best to promote their business, and that is why it is important to go above and beyond business cards, flyers, and pens. Promotional lip balm is a great way to promote your company. It puts something in your prospective client’s hands that they will have with them everyday for quite a while. You can be sure your business name will be the first one they think of next time they are in the market for what you offer.

Wedding Party Gifts

Give your wedding party a small token of your appreciation that they will carry with them for months after your big day.

Employee Presents

Surprise your employees with some free lip balm. The personalized tube can include your logo along with a motivational quote.

Stocking Stuffers

Need an idea for stocking stuffers? Lip balm is a great way to go. Winter is often hard on your lips. The cold and windy weather beats on them when you are outside, and the heated air inside your home dries them out.

No matter what reason you have for ordering lip balm, we can help. We have a wide variety of custom labeled lip balm options. Order today!