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Always Losing Chapstick! First World Problems

I am a bit of a chapstick addict which is why I make a point to finish all of my chapsticks. I typically have 3 or 4 of the same chapsticks in rotation at any given time I finish each and every one of them and I lose each and every one of them possibly more than once. It is very rare that I don’t find it again. Sometimes it is found within days but sometimes it takes weeks. Occasionally one will show up at start of fall when it went missing in winter. Okay, it is not the end of world especially now since you can order bulk lip balm online with the click of a button but it is frustrating all the same. I have searched coat pockets, purse pockets, looked underneath beds, couches, and behind doors. I could go on but those are the places I never find them. Finding a long lost chapstick in a jacket that hasn’t been worn in month is better than finding a $20 bill in your pocket. Logically, if I found twenty bucks I would probably buy more chapstick.

For some reason, I only lose my chapsticks when they are brand new. I never lose one that is on its last leg. Since I am always losing them, I struggle with throwing the old ones away and because I never lose those ones, I end up having a collection of totally useless chapsticks. For desperate moments when I manage to lose three brand new ones at the same time i’m grateful for the old ones. The good news is I don’t fret because when you have 100 new lost chapsticks, one is bound to turn up eventually!